A hardy, adaptable, and inquisitive little dog, the Norwich Terrier is a small dog with a big personality. These dogs, cousins of the Norfolk Terrier, have plenty of energy, and love to play, exercise, and have fun. Early socialization is important with the Norwich Terrier to ensure an even temperament and to reduce the risk of timidity. These dogs can be hardy, headstrong, and determined, which means that the owner needs to be assertive and confident in order to establish leadership. Therefore, the Norwich Terrier is best suited to more experienced dog owners with some knowledge of training. With the right training, the Norwich Terrier will fare well, as he is intelligent and a quick learner. Although he is suited to apartment living, the Norwich Terrier needs daily walks or a safe and secured area in which to play and exercise.
The Norwich Terrier can be very possessive when it comes to his food or belongings, and can be jealous of other pets. He will get along well with children that are gentle and those he has been brought up with. This breed should be introduced to cats from an early age. With strangers some Norwich Terriers will be friendly, but others may be more reserved. Those with beautiful gardens should be warned that the Norwich Terrier is a very keen digger, and if you are looking for a quiet life this may not be the ideal choice, as he also loved to bark. However, he will bark to raise an alarm too, and this makes him an effective watchdog.

How cute... I would luurve a little doggie like that...
***sad sigh***
I really want a dog like that but i dont know if it would be good for my family. we have two people allergic to dogs and two small children. we also have a pet guinea pig and i dont want to get rid of him if i got a dog. please tell me if it would be a good dog for my family... PLZ!!!! thanks
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