Gentle, devoted, and eager to please their owners, Spinone Italianos are excellent family pets for those with the space and the time to dedicate to these animals. They are well suited to inexperienced dog owners as well as those with experience, and their intelligence means that training should not prove too much of a challenge. The Spinone Italiano is fairly quick to learn and very responsive, with a sociable attitude. These dogs have real strength of character, and whilst they can be playful and entertaining can also be very sensible, laid back, and even serious. Early socialization is recommended for the Spinone Italiano in order to promote and stable and confident temperament. He does need a lot of attention and exercise, and being a large dog will also need plenty of space.
The Spinone Italiano loves to swim, and digging is another favorite pastime, as is jumping. This means that he needs a safe and secured area in which to play and exercise when not on a leash. He is a sensitive dog, and training needs to be positive. These dogs are known to be very good with children, although his size may prove a problem with very small children. They also tend to get along well with pets, and will usually be polite if a little cautious around strangers. The Spinone Italiano will bark to raise an alarm, so he does make an effective watchdog, and his size is likely to put off any potential burglar. These dogs will fare well with a family that can provide them with plenty of activity, attention, love, and space.
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